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Intentions Into Actions

Monday 13th January

Michelle & Lucy discuss strategies for turning intentions into actions.

Latest ADHD News and Research

Monday 6th January

Lucy and Michelle talk through some of the latest news stories that relate to our community.

Christmas Survival Guide

Monday 15th December

How are you feeling about the festive season?

Join us this week, as we go through our festive survival guide!

How to Set Boundaries

Monday 2nd December

This week we’ll look at what healthy boundaries are, the reasons why they are important, how to know if you need to set them, and where to start.

The Importance of Boundaries

Monday 25th November

This week we’ll look at what healthy boundaries are, the reasons why they are important, how to know if you need to set them, and where to start.

Christmas Preparation 2024

Monday 18th November

How about this year we all work as a COLLECTIVE to front load a bit of the planning and prep? Work on it together this week, so we don’t feel so panicked, and we have it more under control?

Light and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Monday 11th November

Do you feel low in energy and mood at this time of year?

In this webinar there's some simple adjustments we can make to alleviate our seasonal symptoms.

Running Late Q&A

Monday 4th November

Watch and learn from other members with their very own running late Q&As..

Running Late Part 2

Monday 28th October

In part one, we looked at WHY we find this so difficult. Here in part two, we look at a whole host of strategies to crack one of the most difficult challenges we face as ADHDers.

Running Late Part 1

Monday 21st October

Do you struggle with arriving to events or places on time?Are you perpetually late, cutting it fine, or even ridiculously early? Find out WHY we struggle with being on time for stuff...

Slimming Your Commitments

Monday 5th August

Many of us with ADHD tend to ‘overcommit’ in work, volunteering, and packing too much into our days, weeks, months. This topic addresses how we can manage this effectively.

Changes and Transitions

Monday 22nd July

Why those of us with ADHD find changes and transitions (both life-changing and tiny daily ones) harder than neurotypical people.


Monday 15th July

Here we discuss the incredible power of gratitude, and how to ‘practice’ it. 

Journalling and ADHD

Monday 8th July

Journalling yields a whole host of mental and physical health benefits WAY beyond what you might imagine - one of the biggest returns on investment for a small amount of time that you can do for your ADHD and mental well-being!

Connection and ADHD

Monday 1st July

Dr Ned Hallowell views CONNECTION as essential for us - significantly improving our well-being and functioning.

But do you connect enough? With the right people? Do you know all the different ways we can connect?

Impostor Syndrome and ADHD

Monday 24th June

Many of us live in constant fear of being 'found out' for the 'frauds' we may tell ourselves that we are. But WE CAN beat this ADHD monster down, and go into battle with the impostor syndrome inside us. 

Use Your Voice: ADHD and Voting

with Dan Maudsley

Monday 17th June

Join our guest expert, award winning BBC news journalist and presenter to talk voting in the UK.

Travel, Trips and Holidays: Part Two

with Anita Bhagwandas

Monday 10th June

Join our guest expert, award winning author, journalist, editor and speaker as she shares her expertise on travelling with ADHD

Travel, Trips and Holiday Stress: Part One

Monday 3rd June

In part one we get to grips with the challenges that face us when planning trips away from home.