Eating Part One

HOW & why we struggle with many aspects of food:

From planning, preparing through to our risks of disordered eating

Do you struggle with the overwhelm of deciding what to eat? The decision fatigue? Often grab take-aways instead of cooking?

Lack the energy and brain bandwidth required to shop, plan, portion stuff out, and not burn stuff when cooking?

Perhaps you crave sugary or refined carbs snacks in the evening when your dopamine levels are low.

Maybe like so many ADHDers, you now struggle with disordered eating or have done so in the past (e.g. bulimia, binge eating, anorexia, orthorexia)

This week we go through HOW and WHY ADHD can cause challenges with eating healthily, before outlining realistic ways we can tackle them.

Short Summary Video

This summary video picks out the important key points in this webinar.

Scroll through the presentation slides