Clutter and ADHD

Part One

I have sooo much clutter. Crap. Detritus. Old stuff that ‘may one day come in useful’. Things I am emotionally attached to. Plus loads of stuff I don’t care about and want to get rid of, but…just haven’t.

Old paperwork. Receipts for milk from 2014 just stuffed in a box. Why?? About 40 old dried out nail polishes. Again, why?

Plus a loft full of ‘sentimental’ boxes filled with old pictures the kids drew, clothes they wore when they were tiny, even my mum’s old favourite top from when she was alive. The pregnancy test from one of the babies I lost 24 years ago.

Really hard ‘stuff’ from key happy and sad moments in my life that I can’t face getting rid of.

Facing it all has been really, really challenging. From a shame perspective. From an emotional perspective, and from an executive function perspective.

(What should I do with this? Where should it go? Bin? Charity shop? Ebay? Keep?)

I am completely wiped by it, but DETERMINED to rid myself of the ball and chain that is my clutter. I’ve got rid of a lot over the move, but still loads more to go.

Want to work on your OWN clutter monsters? And find out why it’s so difficult for us?

In part one, we’ll do prep and mindset, and in part two, we will get to work!

I PROMISE I’ll even make a video of me recycling my Gu pudding pots. Wow. For those that know me, this is HUGE!

Short Summary Video

This summary video picks out the important key points in this webinar.

Scroll through the presentation slides