ADHD and Vulnerability to Unhealthy Or Abusive Relationships
This week we are looking at why ADHDers are so vulnerable to unhealthy or even abusive relationships, how to recognise them, and what to do next.
Data and statistics on the number of ADHD adults that have been in abusive relationships is patchy - but some estimates put us at 90% more likely to be a victim of an abusive or unhealthy relationship than a neurotypical person.
There are several reasons for this, which we'll discuss in detail in the webinar.
These include being more vulnerable to being 'gaslit' and manipulated due to our short term memory deficits, and a general feeling of being 'less than' due to tens of thousands more negative messages we've received about ourselves since childhood.
We were also more likely to grow up in a household where a parent was a victim or perpetrator.
ADHD and vulnerability to unhealthy or abusive relationships - this week at the ADHD Collective.
Join us Monday 25th Sept from 12-12.45pm and live repeat 8pm - 8.45pm
We'll help you to recognise what a healthy relationship looks like, how to spot red flags, and what to do next if yours is less than healthy.
This week may be difficult for many - please do reach out if so.
Short Summary Video
This summary video picks out the important key points in this webinar.
Scroll through the presentation slides