The Problem with Purpose
Part One
Have you found yours yet? How do you know?
You've probably had some conversations at times in your life about your PURPOSE and 'finding' it in order to achieve some kind of 'meaning' or 'happiness'. But what is this mythical 'purpose'? Does it even exist? Should we even be looking for it? Do we actually need purpose to feel content, motivated and fulfilled?
There's also an unspoken pressure to find 'it' through our work or employment.
Over part one and part two of this topic I’m going to help you find something much easier, less 'lofty', less pressured, and far more motivating for our ADHD brains than PURPOSE.
What‘s here:
Short topic summary video, images from slides to scroll through, further resources / topics to explore
Short Summary Video
This summary video picks out the important key points in this webinar.
Scroll through the presentation slides