Running Late Survey Often late to work? Always running for the bus…or a plane? Miss GP or dental appointments because you arrive late? (Maybe even a week late?)Do you upset family members by always arriving late, stressing them out? This survey aims to identify the main challenges you face getting to a place/appointment on time.We’ll spend the next two weeks looking at ‘being late’…and then strategies to get on top of it. Name (Optional) First Name Last Name Email (Optional) How often do you find yourself running late for events or appointments? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always If you're often late, what do you think is the main reason? (Select all that apply) Time blindness (losing track of time) Underestimating how long things take Getting distracted Procrastination Feeling overwhelmed by preparation Squeezing in 'another quick thing' if you are ready on time Waiting until the last minute for a dopamine rush Other (please specify below) Please Specify Have you ever found yourself being habitually early to avoid the anxiety of being late? Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Do you find it difficult to settle into something productive if you have an appointment later in the day? Yes, I’m constantly in “wait mode” Sometimes, depending on the time of the appointment No, I can focus despite knowing I have to leave later Do you enjoy the adrenaline rush of cutting things close (arriving just on time or barely making it)? Yes, I often get a thrill from it Sometimes, but I try to avoid it No, it makes me too anxious I’m not sure, but it happens a lot Do you tend to underestimate how long tasks or preparations will take, leading to lateness? Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never How do you feel about arriving early to an event or appointment? I prefer it, it helps me relax I don’t mind, but it feels like wasted time I hate it and avoid it I try to avoid both being too early and too late When you do arrive early, how do you usually feel? Calm and relieved Anxious or impatient, waiting feels uncomfortable Bored, like I should be doing something else Irritated that I could have done more with my time If lateness is an issue for you, what’s the biggest challenge you face in trying to fix it? (Select all that apply) Managing diary and clocks Struggling to estimate time accurately, time blindness Packing too many appointments into day/week Getting distracted or procrastinating Anxiety around time and lateness The emotional toll of being judged for it Other (please specify) How do you typically feel about yourself when you’re late for something? (Select all that apply) Ashamed or guilty Angry or frustrated with myself Anxious or stressed Indifferent, it happens I don’t usually feel anything negative Do you feel that your lateness has impacted your relationships with others? Yes, it’s caused significant issues Sometimes, but nothing serious Rarely, people usually understand No, it hasn’t affected my relationships What tips or strategies have you found helpful for arriving somewhere on time? Thank you so much!