Action required:

We would like to hand you a new ‘key’ for you to access your membership more easily…

Your existing active membership subscription fees will remain the same.

Nothing will change for you, other than an easier way of finding all our content, logging in, and a single sign on (SSO) for both the site and our community forum. *

ALL YOU NEED TO DO NOW is ‘sign-up’ for the new ‘gateway’ for your membership, by popping in your email address and password into the form below

(or click continue with Google as suggested if preferred)

The form may offer an option ‘sign or log in’.

Ignore this and click ‘SIGN UP’ for free.

You ARE already a member, we are merely setting you up with an easier ‘key’ to access it.

[ms-widget-embed path="/member/plans/6ujkapyb10"]

Any questions, please email and we’ll walk you through

*We are still staying with Squarespace as our website provider, but due to feedback from members, and our frustrations with the Squarespace member login user experience, we are switching to Memberspace as the ‘gateway’ to protect our members only content. Tech, huh?

(This info is just FYI, as we know you are all ADHD/AuDHD and naturally nosey wonderfully curious. And I’d deffo want to know -Michelle)